Common releases
This section includes comparative reports and a dashboard on agricultural production prepared jointly by all participating agencies.
Common releases dashboard
Browse the categories below to learn more about each agricultural products as part of the NATCAS common releases. The following dashboard contains the latest statistics only. For more years of common releases statistics, please visit the data hub.
Seeded and harvested areas, production, amount sold and total farm value of potatoes.
Area, production and farm value of potatoes (
Data on seeded and harvested areas, production, average price and total value of sales of potatoes in Canadian dollars.
Area, production and farm value of potatoes, Mexico (
United States
Data in acres on seeded and harvested areas, production, amount utilized, average price and value of sales of potatoes.
Area, production and farm value of potatoes, by harvest season, United States (
This publication is the result of a joint effort by NASS and Statistics Canada to provide producers with additional information about potato production in North America. The release includes area planted and harvested, yield, production, utilized production, market year average price, and value of sales for both countries.
Publication | North American Potatoes | ID: 4m90dv511 | USDA Economics, Statistics and Market Information System (
Crushing statistics of major oilseeds
Canada and United States
Annual data on canola and soybean crushing, as well as oil and meal production.
Crushing statistics of major oilseeds, Canada and United States (
Note: This table is updated annually, there may be times throughout the year when the data here does not align with the totals from the monthly table from Statistics Canada and the USDA-NASS QuickStats values, which are revised and updated more frequently.
Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0352-01 Crushing statistics of major oilseeds
This publication is a result of a joint effort by Statistics Canada and NASS to release the soybean and canola seed crushing’s information for both countries within one publication.
Publication | North American Grain and Oilseed Crushing Annual Summary | ID: ks65hk36z | USDA Economics, Statistics and Market Information System (
Milled wheat and wheat flour
Canada and United States
Annual data on the production of wheat milled, wheat flour and millfeeds.
Milled wheat and wheat flour produced, Canada and United States (
Note: This table is updated annually, there may be times throughout the year when the data here does not align with the totals from the monthly table from Statistics Canada and the USDA-NASS QuickStats values, which are revised and updated more frequently.
Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0016-01 Milled wheat and wheat flour produced (x 1,000)
This publication is a result of a joint effort by Statistics Canada and USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service to release the flour milling production information for both countries within one publication.
Publication | North American Flour Milling Products Summary | ID: n87100088 | USDA Economics, Statistics and Market Information System (
Number of cattle, by class and farm type (x 1,000)
Number of cattle, by class and farm type (
United States
Cattle and calves, number by class and calf crop (x 1,000)
Cattle and calves, number by class and calf crop, United States (
Canada and United States
Hogs and pigs statistics, inventory number by class and semi-annual period (x 1,000)
Hogs and pigs statistics, inventory number by class and semi-annual period, United States and Canada (
United States
Hogs and pigs statistics, inventory number by class and semi-annual period (x 1,000)
Hogs and pigs statistics, inventory number by class and semi-annual period, United States (
Note: For comparison purposes in the NATCAS dashboard, the reference dates for data originally published in June and December for the United States have been adjusted for July and January respectively. This applies mainly to variables associated with hogs and pigs.
Number of sheep and lambs on farms (x 1,000)
Number of sheep and lambs on farms (
United States
Sheep and lambs, number by class and lamb crop (x 1,000)
Sheep and lambs, number by class and lamb crop, United States (
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Statistics Canada (StatCan)
National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Agricultural and Fisheries Information Service (SIAP)
National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI)

The information is presented as it is, and Statistics Canada, the National Agricultural Statistics Department of Agriculture of the United States, the Agricultural and Fisheries Information Service (SIAP) and the National Institute of Statics and Geography (INEGI), don’t offer any guarantees, express or implied, including but not limited to guarantees of marketing and adapt to a particular purpose. In any case the above agencies shall not be liable for any direct, special, indirect, consequential or other caused by the use of the information provided.