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The North American Tripartite Committee on Agricultural Statistics is a joint initiative by the lead agricultural statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico, and United States of America.

NATCAS is a joint initiative by the lead agricultural statistical agencies in North America.

Participating agencies
Contact us

Information about statistical concepts and definitions used in the three participating countries.

Program description
Definition of a farm
Statistical concepts

NATCAS participating countries formed four working groups to share ideas and expertise in areas of common interest.

Agricultural census
Common releases
Remote sensing and GIS
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Relevant data, indicators and information from agriculture statistics programs in Canada, Mexico and the United States.

Data hub
Geospatial data tables
SDG Indicators

census of agriculture
Key indicators

Portrait of Agriculture in North America

Avocado, Mexico
Potato field, PEI, Canada
Corn harvesting, USA
Barley, Mexico
Orange tree, Florida, USA
Vineyard, Okanagan valley, Canada

Agency quotes

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Troy M. Joshua
Director at USDA-NASS | 2024

We have discovered commonalities in data collection, analysis, and publication processes. This collaboration has not only helped in solving each other’s challenges but also in finding shared solutions that benefit all involved countries. Such cross-border cooperation is invaluable in advancing knowledge and addressing issues that transcend national boundaries.

Patricia Ornelas Ruiz
Chief Director at SIAP | 2023

The joint work carried out through NATCAS contributes to the strengthening and development of practices in favor of the agrifood sector in the three countries. Shared information is a key input for producers’ decision-making, for guiding public policies for the sector, and for reducing the gap in access to information, especially for small-scale producers, in addition to promoting the adoption of productive and sustainable agriculture.

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Cindy St-Germain
Director at Statistics Canada | 2024

NATCAS provides an important ongoing opportunity for our statistical agencies to learn from each other and help deliver on a shared goal of better serving agriculture data users within each country and across North America.

Susana Patricia Perez Cadena
Director at INEGI | 2023

Through NATCAS, INEGI has shared knowledge and experiences on the design, collection, processing, and dissemination of information derived from agricultural censuses and surveys, as well as on the use and exploitation of land observation data for agricultural purposes. This has allowed to identify and adopt best practices that strengthen the processes for generating agricultural statistical information for INEGI.

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More than 20 years of collaboration and partnership


Statistics Canada (StatCan)
National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Agricultural and Fisheries Information Service (SIAP)
National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI)


The information is presented as it is, and Statistics Canada, the National Agricultural Statistics Department of Agriculture of the United States, the Agricultural and Fisheries Information Service (SIAP) and the National Institute of Statics and Geography (INEGI), don’t offer any guarantees, express or implied, including but not limited to guarantees of marketing and adapt to a particular purpose. In any case the above agencies shall not be liable for any direct, special, indirect, consequential or other caused by the use of the information provided.